Christ’s Family in the City
Micah 6.8
Meeting Times
10:00 AM Worship in English
11:30 AM Worship in Khmer
5:00 PM ICM Dinner and Bible Study
1:00 PM Bible Study in English
9:00 AM ICM Breakfast and Bible Study
Full weekly messages (in English) are available for viewing or listening on our LBFC YouTube Channel or Vimeo or from the “LBFC Weekly Sermons” podcast available from your favorite podcast source.
Expressions of Faith
“Go Slow and Repair Things”
I read the Christianity Today article by Tish Harrison Warren of this title some time ago, and reread it this morning after hearing her speak near the close of the Esau McCauley podcast. In being away from my normal place and thinking of the new year and beyond, this thought strikes within me a lingering […]
What if what you’re growing is not actually the Church?
#8230;this theme of church Unity across ethnic boundary lines was absolutely vital in the New Testament and not a sort of odd add-on thing and see I’m I’m deeply suspicious in my own country as well as in America of this idea that oh well homo homogeneous churches grow faster undoubtedly that may be may […]