Prepare –Take a moment to clear your mind. Perhaps pray the Jesus Prayer to get started. It may help to focus on your breathing. Invite the Holy Spirit to be with you and have His way in you. Invite the Holy Spirit to guide you to what you need to hear from the passage you will be reading.
Read – Read the scripture passage twice. Then focus on one word or phrase that especially captures your attention. Spend a minute in silence. The, say out loud the word or phrase that captured your attention.
Meditate – Read the scripture passage once more. Meditate on the word or phrase that captured your attention. Summarize in one or two sentences the result of your meditation. Ask yourself: “How does this word or phrase connect to the Scriptures as a whole, or to Jesus Christ? What is the Spirit saying to me here? How does my life link up with this word or phrase?
Pray – Read the scripture passage once more. After a moment of silence, pray about how the word or phrase links up with your one or two sentences. Is there something you need to do? An attitude you need to chance? Someone you need to talk to?
Contemplate – Read the scripture passage once last time. Take another time of silence to let the passage and word or phrase work into your heart and mind more deeply so you can take it along with you through the day. Finish with a brief prayer of thanks for God’s provision through his word to you.