There are no videos to watch or audio tracks to listen to for Saturday, the day after Good Friday. Traditionally this is a day of silence to remind us of when Jesus was in the tomb. If you missed any of the week’s readings, today might be a good day to catch up on them. And join us tomorrow (Sunday, April 12) online for Easter worship!


Easter worship online in English will be at 10:00 AM Sunday. We recommend you join after watching the Easter announcement and sermon video posted on our YouTube LBFC Devotions channel and on the lbfc group on Facebook. This video is normally posted on Saturday evening and available for viewing that night or first thing Sunday morning.

Zoom, for English Worship


We will be having Khmer Easter worship via conference call Sunday, April 12 at 11:00 AM. It will be audio-only. To join, call (857) 799-9492.


Find the announcement and sermon video at one of these locations:
LBFC Devotions Youtube channel
LBFC group on Facebook